31st Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology
Munich, Germany, 11-15 March 2016
7th European Congress of Andrology ( 7th ECA ).
Berlin, 28 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2012
26th Annual EAU Congress.
18-22 March 2011, Vienna, Austria
8th meeting of the EAU section of Oncological Urology (ESOU),
21-23 Jan. 2011, London,UK
XXth EAU Congress.
March 2005. CNR, Istanbul, Turkey.
XIXth EAU Congress.
Mar. 2004. Vienna. Austria.
3rd Meeting of the European Society of Andrological Urology (ESAU).
Sep.2004.Athens. Greece.
8th Mediterranean Congress of Urology.
Sep. 2003. Crete. Greece.
6th Balkan Congress of Medicine and Dentistry for students and young doctors (BCMD).
Nov.2002. Ioannina. Greece.
18th Medical University Symposium.
Oct. 2004. Ioannina. Greece
17th Panhellenic Urological Congress.
Jun. 2004. Alexandroupolis. Greece.
24th Urological Days in Athens.
Apr. 2004. Athens. Greece
4th Congress of Andrology.
Jan. 2004. Patras. Greece
23rd Urological Days in Athens.
Mar. 2003. Athens. Greece.
Andrological Days in Patras.
Jan.2003. Patras. Greece
Andrological Days in Ioannina.
Oct. 2002. Ioannina. Greece
2nd Medical Congress in Epirous.
Oct. 2002. Ioannina. Greece
16th Panhellenic Congress of Urology.
Sep. 2002. Kalamata. Greece
3rd Andrological Congress.
May 2002. Patras. Greece.
2nd Andrological Symposium.
Jun. 1997. Alexandroupolis. Greece